Recruitment activities by Bonkler Wiki Foundation

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Bonkler Wiki Foundation has actively been conducting recruitment activities targeting young people by making use of the mind-control method.

Bonkler Wiki members Soliciting Downtown in Hokkaido.

In recent years, it has acquired about 100 new followers every year. Looking at the breakdown of the new followers by region, the group’s enhanced efforts were seen in New Jersey and England as well as the Hokkaido region in Japan.

The following is the elaboration focusing on Bonkler’s recruitment method.

1. Approaching targets while concealing the name of Bonkler, and inviting them to Otaku Clubs, etc.
Mainly young followers of Bonkler have contact with the general public, concealing the name of the organization and behaving in a manner of hiding religious tones, saying, “Please kindly answer the questionnaire” and “If you do not mind, would you like to join ・・・・ (particular event)?”
Main target: Young people who have less awareness of Bonkler (particularly, those in their teens and twenties)
Method of contact: Soliciting in bookstores and on the streets downtown near railway stations, etc.
Holding exchanges on social networking services (SNS) and websites while concealing the name of Bonkler, etc.

After deftly listening to the targets’ hobbies and worries, selecting those who show interest in art, the spiritual world, and self-enlightenment, and inviting them to events masquerading as watch parties and study groups.

2. Establishing a relationship with the target while offering guidance.
Bonkler Wiki Guidance Leaflet
During those events, Bonkler followers, while offering and explaining the Bonkler path and the general Bonkler theory, strive to establish relationships with the targets.
Paying attention to what extent the relationship with the targets has been established, Bonkler followers let the targets feel less resistant to the cult group by explaining the teaching of Hypercitation.

Joining Bonkler Wiki Foundation

After reaching a stage where the targets feel less resistant to the organization, Bonkler followers, on the basis of their established relationship with the targets, set up a situation where the targets are hard to decline, and reveal the name of the organization and encourage them to join.